Responsible for the content of this website in accordance with § 6 MDStV [German Interstate Convention on Media Services]:

Hanse Industriekapital GmbH
Erik-Blumenfeld-Platz 27B
22587 Hamburg

Commercial Register:
HRB [German Commercial Register, Section B] HH 115718

Managing Director:
Marc Eberle

Declaration regarding the Links That Have Been Placed:
Hanse Industriekapital endeavors, to the best of its ability, to provide accurate data and information on its website. However, it assumes no liability or provides no guarantee regarding the currentness, accuracy and completeness of the information and data that it has provided. This likewise applies to all other websites which are directly or indirectly mentioned to which reference is made via a hyperlink. Exclusively the operators of the respective websites are thus responsible for the content of these third-party websites!

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Hanse Industriekapital shall not be liable for any personal injury or financial losses which are caused by contacting or having a business relationship with the natural persons and juridical persons mentioned on this website. Moreover, Hanse Industriekapital shall not be liable – neither for direct nor indirect damages including lost profits which are incurred through the usage of the information or data found on this website. Hanse Industriekapital also assumes no rights and obligations between itself and the user of this website or third parties.